Thursday, March 28, 2013

Help me know God--will you?

So I'd like this to be everyone's group. People take turns leading or posting the studies--that sort of thing. It's easy for me to add authors so I'm pretty sure you'd all be able to change/add/post whatever you want. :)  We could either go through the Bible book by book, or people could talk about things that are on their hearts more topically, or go through a book, really whatever you all want to do. Or we could do all of the above and have everyone post sort of their own thing and all the rest of us could discuss it and that way we could all get a little more accountability and get to spend time in community more often. It's really whatever we want to make of it :). And if we decide to be open and vulnerable and don't want the whole entire world looking on, we can make it more of a closed study group. :) Let me know! 

The main reason I'm asking for people to join me on this is because I'm not spending nearly as much time getting into God's word and spending time with the Church as I need to. I'm not enough accountability for myself. I don't push myself like a community does. I need you. And maybe some of you out there need me. Here I am. Help me know God--will you?


  1. Replies
    1. awesome!! :D If you want to fb message me your email address I can add you as a admin so you can post stuff too! :D
